Transform Your Life: The Power of Counselling and Therapy

I receive many phone calls and emails from people looking for counselling or therapy, and it’s very common for people say, “I’ve never seen a psychologist before and I don’t even know what to ask you.” In this article I hope to demystify the counselling process, and to explain some of the many benefits of receiving counselling from a psychologist.
9 Reasons to Choose Dr. Susan MacDonald for Career Counselling

Choosing a career counsellor or career coach can be a confusing and daunting experience. There are a number of reasons that Dr. MacDonald would be a great fit for all of your career counselling and career coaching needs. These are a few reasons to consider before scheduling an appointment:
Career Burnout: Is There Help?

Do you ever wonder if you might be suffering from burnout? Current statistics suggest that 35% of Canadians are burned out (Wilson, 2022). Some careers are even at greater risk: Nurses and other healthcare workers report a 66% rate of burnout, mental health professionals weigh in at 61%, transportation, finance and legal professionals are around 40%, and first responders and educators are not far behind (Wilson). If you are burned out, you are not alone.
Career Counselling for High School Students

You’ve worked hard for your education since kindergarten, and you’re now in high school or you’ve just graduated. Your life up until now was pretty much laid out for you. And now what happens after grade 12? There is an endless list of possibilities, given there are over 15,000 educational programs in Canada (EduCanada 2021), and literally tens of thousands of careers to choose from.
Work and Happiness – A Great Insight for a Happy Life

Most likely people don’t equate work and happiness. Yet the truth of the matter is that these are not mutually exclusive, you can actually achieve happiness, fulfillment and even joy through the work that you do. If this seems a bit unrealistic, it actually can be more easily achievable than most people think.