Our Service
Corporate Psychological Services
Increase Job Satisfaction and Retention in Your Organization
Dr. Susan MacDonald Ph.D. Calgary Registered Psychologist
Corporate Consulting – Calgary & Area
With a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, and a Major in the Management of Organizations and Human Resources, Dr. MacDonald is your first choice when choosing an industrial/organizational psychologist to handle your workplace needs. As a Calgary corporate psychologist, Susan consults to organizations in all areas of human resource management and career development. Services are available for individual employees and managers, as well as for teams and departments. She offers a variety of online testing, report writing, coaching, performance management, and assessment of organizational effectiveness. Additionally, her 13 years as a business professional in the Calgary oil and gas industry add to her knowledge of careers and the workplace. To compliment her corporate work, she has extensive research and knowledge in the area of international work transitions, including both expatriation and repatriation.
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Fees can be reimbursed by your extended medical plan or health spending account
(and also through your partner’s plan).
Corporate & Organization Specializations Include:
- Management development, including psychometric testing, reports and feedback.
- Qualitative and quantitative studies to improve business effectiveness.
- Job satisfaction and attrition analysis; how to attract and retain workers.
- Selection and development assessments for high potential employees and managers.
- Programs designed to improve career satisfaction and productivity.
- Career development and work transitions, including retirement.
- International careers, including expatriation, repatriation and immigration.
- Mediation, conflict resolution and coaching.
- Recommendations for companies and employees to maximize the career benefits of international work experience.
- Group workshops on a variety of career and life topics.

Human Resource Management

Leadership Performance

Corporate & Organization Team Building

Effective Communication

Conflict Management

International Career Transitions

Selection and Development Assessments

Psychologically Healthy Workplaces
As Dr. MacDonald is committed to the optimal functioning of organizations, she has served as member of the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta’s Psychologically Healthy Workplace Committee. This is a team of psychologists whose mandate is to educate organizations in Alberta on the importance of psychologically healthy workplaces, and to publically acknowledge companies who are leaders in this area. If you would like more information on how to implement psychologically healthy workplace initiatives, or information on the workplace award, contact Dr. MacDonald or the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta today.

Seminars and Workshops
- Effectively Managing Career/Life Transitions
- Proactively Planning for Retirement
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Managing Stress and Improving Resiliency
- Decision Making
- Health and Wellness
- Communication Skills
- Proactive Mental Health
- Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces
- Strategies for Success
- International Work Transitions
- Custom Made Seminars to Fit Your Workplace Needs

Ready to Unlock your Organization’s Full Potential?
Fees can be reimbursed by your extended medical plan or health spending account (and also through your partner’s plan).